who am I?

Becky Bondurant earned an M.F.A. in Creative Writing from George Mason University where she studied the short story and novel under Alan Cheuse. In 2021, after moving back to Norfolk, VA from Richmond to be closer to her roots, she enrolled in virtual storytelling classes with New York City monologist Mike Daisey. Over the course of two years, in these bi-weekly meetings (which still continue), she discovered oral narrative was her medium. Her performances are informed by her experience as a student and teacher of literature, a fiction writer, a parent, a Zumba queen, and are driven by her intense desire to be on stage (as made apparent in many a late night karaoke ovation).

For more than fifteen years, she has been honored to share the transformative power of language and art with high school and college students in Virginia, teaching literature, creative writing, public speaking, composition, and multimedia production. She has twice led study abroad trips to Ireland and Northern Ireland, and in 2022 led an exchange trip to Denmark.

Becky is currently at work on an immersive theater project involving Victorian Séances in Dublin in the years before and after the Irish Easter 1916 Uprising, and is writing a traditional stage play—a romantic comedy set in an independent living retirement community.  Her poetry, fiction, and non-fiction appear in various anthologies, literary journals, and magazines including the The Adirondack Review, The Copperfield Review, The Richmond Times Dispatch and R Home. Her one-woman show, Penis Envy, made its world premiere at the Capital Fringe Festival 2024 in DC with a follow up performance scheduled in September 2024 at the Philly Fringe Festival.