

“I loved ‘Penis Envy,’”

…“vulnerable and truthful to her, funny and inviting.”

- Chris Klimek, The Washington Post

“Fierce and fearless storytelling

by a virtuoso writer and performer.... ★★★★★.”

- DC Theaters Arts

Philly Fringe sept 13, 14 &15

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George Washington (Penis) John Adams (Penis) Thomas Jefferson (Penis) James Madison (Penis) James Monroe (Penis) John Quincy Adams (Penis) Andrew Jackson (Penis) Martin Van Buren (Penis) William Henry Harrison (Penis) John Tyler (Penis) James K. Polk (Penis) Zachary Taylor (Penis) Millard Fillmore (Penis) Franklin Pierce (Penis) James Buchanan (Penis) Abraham Lincoln (Penis) Andrew Johnson (Penis) Ulysses S. Grant (Penis) Rutherford B. Hayes (Penis) James Garfield (Penis) Chester A. Arthur (Penis) Grover Cleveland (Penis) Benjamin Harrison (Penis) Grover Cleveland (Penis) William McKinley (Penis) Theodore Roosevelt (Penis) William Howard Taft (Penis) Woodrow Wilson (Penis) Warren G. Harding Calvin Coolidge (Penis) Herbert Hoover (Penis) Franklin D. Roosevelt (Penis) Harry S. Truman (Penis) Dwight D. Eisenhower (Penis) John F. Kennedy (Penis) Lyndon B. Johnson (Penis) Richard M. Nixon (Penis) Gerald R. Ford (Penis) James Carter (Penis) Ronald Reagan (Penis) George H. W. Bush (Penis) William J. Clinton (Penis) George W. Bush (Penis) Barack Obama (Penis) Donald J. Trump (Penis) Joe Biden (Penis)

George Washington (Penis) John Adams (Penis) Thomas Jefferson (Penis) James Madison (Penis) James Monroe (Penis) John Quincy Adams (Penis) Andrew Jackson (Penis) Martin Van Buren (Penis) William Henry Harrison (Penis) John Tyler (Penis) James K. Polk (Penis) Zachary Taylor (Penis) Millard Fillmore (Penis) Franklin Pierce (Penis) James Buchanan (Penis) Abraham Lincoln (Penis) Andrew Johnson (Penis) Ulysses S. Grant (Penis) Rutherford B. Hayes (Penis) James Garfield (Penis) Chester A. Arthur (Penis) Grover Cleveland (Penis) Benjamin Harrison (Penis) Grover Cleveland (Penis) William McKinley (Penis) Theodore Roosevelt (Penis) William Howard Taft (Penis) Woodrow Wilson (Penis) Warren G. Harding Calvin Coolidge (Penis) Herbert Hoover (Penis) Franklin D. Roosevelt (Penis) Harry S. Truman (Penis) Dwight D. Eisenhower (Penis) John F. Kennedy (Penis) Lyndon B. Johnson (Penis) Richard M. Nixon (Penis) Gerald R. Ford (Penis) James Carter (Penis) Ronald Reagan (Penis) George H. W. Bush (Penis) William J. Clinton (Penis) George W. Bush (Penis) Barack Obama (Penis) Donald J. Trump (Penis) Joe Biden (Penis)

In America, even a mid-life crisis is political.

To protect her daughter, born just seven days after Donald Trump’s election as U.S. president, monologist, English professor, and writer Becky Bondurant must unearth the roots of her misogyny. In her first solo-show, Bondurant threads her coming-of-age narrative through a Freudian needle, weaving from eating disorders and female orgasms to circumcision and breastfeeding against a backdrop of political crisis. Like a filthy and frank remix of What the Constitution Means to Me, Penis Envy is a story of awakening for the post-truth era.